Today we (UnofficialSquaw) made it up to Juneau, AK with the Points North Heli guys (Kevin Quinne an J Mack) to do some heliskiing.

We arrived around 1pm Juneau time, checked into our hotel and quickly went over to meet the pilots of the Northstar Heli Company, which is whom we will be flying with for the next three days. After getting a miniature briefing and talking to "The Spoon" about the A Stars engine we went downtown to get some food at The Hanger and ran into some from friends.

We met up with the Bausler's who I met last season out here at guide school and the infamous Ashley an Heather Call. Along with those Johnny B, an Alaska Heliskiing guide, was there. He had flown today and said the conditions are in favor of the riders right now and that it's prime time snow. With that in mind we paid our bill and headed back to the hotel to get ready for some face shots in the morning.
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get itt
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